Image via Square Enix

In Marvel'south Avengers, players can complete missions called War Zones. These are any blazon of mission on the State of war Table. In War Zone Missions, four players explore an area and complete the objectives assigned to them.

These missions can be washed with AI partners or iii friends through online co-op. When you're at the State of war Table, you can highlight over a mission to what type it is, its difficulty, and what rewards you'll be given if completed successfully. In that location are 10 different types of missions that can exist plant in War Zone.

  • AIM Secret Lab – These are weekly raids that are avalible at the finish of the game. They are but avalible if players have heroes at loftier Power levels. These have to exist completed in a gear up amount of fourth dimension, which varies between each mission. During these missions, you tin encounter three different modifiers: Resurgence where enemy health regenerates after a short menses of time, Famine meaning enemies will not drop regen packs, and Pressure where you aren't able to automatically recover Willpower if you're injuried.
  • Driblet Zone – The shortest type of State of war Zone mission clocking in at ten minutes or less. Players will have to defeat a single room of enemies or a single objective.
  • Faction – As the proper noun implies, these missions focus on a detail faction of characters and will advantage experience to that faction.
  • HARM Challenge – Interim as preparation, these missions will have y'all play a sure Avenger and defeat a wave of enemies. These can vary in length.
  • Hive Missions – In these missions, your character will accept to explore multiple floors and complete multiple objectives. These are seen as the hardest blazon of mission because of the difficult enemies you'll have to become up against.
  • Iconic Missions – These missions are story-focused and tied to a paricular Avenger. So, their timing and objective will vary. Completing these volition unlock high-quality gear for that Avenger.
  • Mega Hives – Similar to the normal Hive missions, but with added difficulty. If an Avenger dies, you'll exist forced to switch to a dissimilar character.
  • Threat Sector – This type of mission volition have multiple objectives for y'all to consummate which volition vary depending on the blazon of Threat Sector mission you take on. At that place'southward 5 different types:
    • Defend: Protect SHIELD agents or Resistance members
    • Sabotage: Destory generators or power cores
    • Elmination: Defeat enemies
    • Control: Taking command of servers or specific locations
    • Priority Threat: A more than difficult version of Threat sectors.
  • Vault – Unlockable by getting SHIELD Caches, this type of mission volition accept you break into one of SHIELD's former Vaults.
  • Villian Sector – Incredibly similar to the Threat Sector, y'all'll essentially be going through the aforementioned thing you would in the Threat Sector missions with the addition of a dominate fight at the cease.

Equally with the release of Spider-Homo, some mission chains require you lot to cease War Zones equally certain characters. Spider-Man's fourth step in his mission chain requires the histrion to enhance Spider-Human being'southward public profile by completing two War Zones. To become the Step 4 mission washed speedily, we recommend taking on the shorter missions, like Drop Zones or HARM challenges.